This all started by accident when we decided not to go to Buxton for the F2's on Sunday July 27th 2008 and go to Donnington Park for the “Truck Attack” meeting instead.
First of all it was a great day out, the sun shone all day (no really it did) and the racing was top notch on most of the formulas on offer. If anything we'd gone to see the Legends but that wasn't where this the surprise of the day appeared. Next day I went to “” to find out a little bit more and got the strange feeling a name rang a bell, in fact 4 bells ; #6 Rob Butterfield, #14 Damien Carr , #93 Michael Smith & #66Martin Heath all ex BriSCA F1 drivers appeared.
Next up was #22 Nic Grindrod ,#39,Karl Turner, & #66 Martin Heath agian all had been involved in BriSCA F2's at some point. On to the Legends and we find yet more BriSCA accociations #16 Richard Pocklington had some connection with the F2's via his brother and father (although his actual racing credentials I'm unsure about). You can read a little more on his webpage Morton had a 20 year involvment with the F1's and according to the info available won Novice of the Year in 1980. Last but by no means least and perhaps with the most interesting connection to BriSCA is #85 Iain Holden, Iain raced in BriSCA F2 Stock Cars in a spare car belonging to none other than Rob Speak which Iain seems to have driven for a single season, but Iain's involvement doesn't end there as he races #85, it seems Iain was a good friend and mechanic to Ray Tyldesley.

(Addition July 28th 2008)
-Thanks to "Trev" (member of Stoxnet) who informs us "#5 John Mickel was one of the biggest names in F2's in the 1990s" looking at Johns Career History it looks like John was also a big name in Legends to.
(Addition July 29th 2008) - More of them, this time on the Rebels webpage, lets start with the F2's this time, and currently "Rebbling" are Ex F2-ers,#40 Steve Featherstone,#46 Nathan Tye,#70 Steve Pollitt,#88,Steven Mallinson,#234 Crig Morgan,#488 Mike Kingston#615 Rod Webster. Ex F1-ers #70 Steve Pollitt ,#275 Ian Bell,#488 Mike Kingston. Ex V8 Hot Stockers #9 Anthony Hamstead,#17 Lee Cooke,#44 Steve Geary,#786 John Hoole V8.Finally the Mini Stockers #21 James Spittle, #33 Adam Charlesworth,#68 Kelvin Passey,#100 Adam Rubery,#588 Vicki Kingston.

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Posted by Stoxpics on Tuesday, July 29, 2008
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I like Innocent Smoothies, they are great tasting and the stuff on the back usually brings a smile, but here is the crunch, that little bottle usually costs me £1.80 a day,so from Monday through Thursday that a WHOPPING £7.20, too much? Yes, could I do anything about it? Of Course.
Innocent tell us on the back of some bottles that they use 100% recycled plastic in the bottles to help the environment, so what if you recycle the recycled bottle? An idea formed and here is the short version and how to go about saving money and the planet all in one easy move.

1. Buy a little bottle of Innocent Smoothie
2. Open and drink (but don't throw it away)
3. Take it home and wash it out
4. Remove label - easier said than done, see below.
5. Buy a litre from your local super market (Asda did a "special" at £2 but under £3 is common)
6. Fill up your little bottle each day (day 4 depends on how much you put in days 1,2,&3)
7. Save around £4 per week (£208 a year) and 260 plastic bottles a year, if you use it all year round, best to change it once every few months.

Getting the label off!
I've found the best way is :
1. Gently heat the label with a hair dryer and peel off.
2.A little chain cleaner or similar product on a rag will take off all the glue left behind
3. put the lid on an wash in hot soapy water.

You should have an Innocent Bottle with no label, and that "should" keep you out of trouble in the staff canteen, of course you can always just get a big marker pen and write your name on it!

It seems like a win win call, Innocent don't have to make as may bottles, I still buy just as much and save money, I'm not sure if you can recycle a plastic bottle made of recycled plastic, but as you'll only be doing it once every so often I doubt it's that important.

Oh yes they have a rather good webpage to
For information on the bottles and plastics you need this link

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Posted by Stoxpics on Saturday, May 17, 2008
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Spotted on e-bay (via Stoxnet)
Stock Car F1! (Former Mark Peters Car)
Shale or Tarmac Stock Car
Goes very well on both surfaces
Final Winning Car
Totally reconditioned 620 horse power big block 424 + Big Brodie Heads
Three Plate ARP Clutch
Quarter Master Bearings
Coil Overs
Transit Axle Willward Half Shafts
Doug Nash Gear Box
Very Straight & Clean Car
Comes with Spare Wheels
Call (Details Removed) Item number: 190202145477 (if interested)
Buyer collects.
Payment in cash on collection.

I wish...........

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Posted by Stoxpics on Friday, February 29, 2008
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Race Version !

Been laid up for a while with a chest infection and had a day or two of "Dave" (channel 12 on my digi-box), but it hasn't all been bad news, far from it, it's given me a chance to see a lot of Top Gear which I'd missed in the past, and there have been quite a few good bits.
The 1st thing that caught my eye was the Ariel Atom, which for under £30,000 looks like a serious bit of kit, true it's open to all the elements the British weather throws at you, but you can always buy a helmet. Mr Clarkson takes it, as only he can, through it's paces.
Nice Eh? and it's made in England
The Top Gear feature from youTube is here.
The Ariel Atom on Discovery review is here.

Next up was Johnny Herbert v.s Colin McRae v.s Jeremy Clarkson
You already know what's going to happen, but you'll watch it anyway.
Sadly Colin is no longer with us, but just watching him let it all hang out makes this worth every single watch.

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Posted by Stoxpics on Monday, February 25, 2008
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Nice story this, for those of you that didn't make the trip to Coventry for the October 1st meeting Dave Russo #49 (white top) won the final. It's always nice to see one of the lower grades be rewarded for their efforts against the "Big Boys" of F1 but this had a couple of twists, not only was it #49's 1st final win of his F1 carrer but Dave is also selling up at the end of the season (about 6 weeks). Stoxpics says "WELL DONE DAVE" enjoy your retirement from F1. (moved here in January 2008)

A Stuart Heap Photo

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Posted by Stoxpics on Thursday, January 24, 2008
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Heat Hot Rods at the Sears Point Track

Ever fancied a drive in a Formula 1,Formula 2 Stock car or any other short circuit formula? Stupid question really, but the logistics and money involved is enough to stop all but the lucky few. If you’re lucky enough to have a copy of NASCAR Heat there is an alternative, BriSCA Heat for your average home PC, the best bit is the BriSCA Heat bit is free. There is a thing called "Essentials" out there which is free and means you can run all the games without the Nascar heat program, I suggest the UK Dirt forum as a good starting point, but a Google should produce the information you need.

The cars are excellent replicas of the real thing in both shape and paint jobs, and there are most of the big names to choose from, and if you have the time and know how you can download a car "template" and paint it up yourself. For followers of Formula 2, Bangers, Hot Rods, Legends and New Zealand stocks there are versions for you to, in fact it’s possible have all of them on your PC at once should the mood take you.

One other option is the BriSCA Legends which gives you the classic cars and tracks of days gone by. For the "Heritage" fans this is a bit of a must and with names like,199 Mike Close , 391 Stu Smith, 53 John Lund, 154 Brian Powles, 396 Doug Cronshaw, 212 Frankie Wainman , 304 Dave Mellor, 260 Dave Berresford, 2 Willie Harrison, 229 John Hillam to name but a few and with sadly “no longer with us tracks” like Belle Vue and Long Eaton you can easily spend rather more time than you planned on this.

You'll need a good paint package like Paint Shop Pro™ or Photoshop™ as the files are .TGA file and not commonly used, there is a converter which comes with the downloaded templates and this needs to be used to convert the files but you do get instructions it’ll still take a fair bit of time and patience. Setting up your own car also means you have to edit files and match them to your new car, it's fiddly and murder if you get it wrong.

Game play is good, two settings NOVICE and EXPERT. Start with Novice, you can't over steer and everything is well, easy. EXPERT, you can set up EVERYTHING and I mean that, suspension settings, gear ratios and wedge. When you get the hang of it you'll be putting in lap times that will make Frankie JNR shudder, but you'll also spend loads of time on the fence and if you don't go easy for the 1st few laps till the tires get warm you'll just be looking the wrong way, which from the cab make you wonder if the real thing is worth it!!!!!
If you really get in to one of the games there is an option to race against others “on line” with the help of UK Dirt, having read up a bit about this I didn’t bother as it costs about £30 a year and looking at the number of drivers getting “banned” put me off a bit as I’m not that great, but it’s worth having a look if that appeals to you. For more information on the game, set up, painting your own car, tracks to downloads and well everything really check out the links listed below.

Uk Dirt
BriSCA Heat 2005
Legends Heat
New Zealand Heat
Hot Rods
If you do decide to race "on line" here is a taste of what you can expect.

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Posted by Stoxpics on
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A Ray Liddy Photo
Sadly earlier this month (Jan 08) we learnt that Mick Noden had passed away.
Our sport will miss this great driver.

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Posted by Stoxpics on Monday, January 14, 2008
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